New members

Warning: being an EODS member can be dangerously addictive. Over the years, we’ve found that people join for one particular production and then stay…and stay…and stay for many more. There could be many reasons why this happens.

Perhaps it’s the buzz and excitement of being part of a team that takes a production from first read-through to that triumphant last night. Perhaps it’s the indefinable magic of Theatre, or the warm feeling that you’re part of an organisation that Eastbourne has taken to its heart. But most of all, it’s the sense of being part of a society that feels and functions rather like family, with its quirks and its characters, but always with its heart in the right place.

If you think you’d like to be part of it, complete the application form and then we’ll send you an invitation – in plenty of time – for the familiarisation session for our next production. And in between productions, we’ll keep you in touch with our regular newsletter.

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Thank you for your interest in joining the company. Please complete the form below and we will add you to the relevant mailing list for your age group. When we have a new show planned, we will email and invite you to come along to the first familiarisation session. Once on our mailing list, we will keep you inform of all future productions until you ask to be removed.

EODS membership is just £20 per year, with Young EODS members paying a weekly rehearsal fee.

Please note that as we only produce 3 or 4 shows per year, it could be some time until you receive an invitation.

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